Time Flies


I can’t believe the speed that time seems to be flying by! As a family we are all safe and well and extremely lucky in that George , Robert and Natalie continue to work from home. We will not be easing lockdown here at chez Johnston any time soon as it seems to me that the British government really doesn’t care about peoples lives.

I thought I would be making lots of beads during lockdown and bought a huge new tank of propane just before everything closed. Sadly that has not been the case as I have cataracts! and yes, apparently I am “quite” young for them. I have an appointment booked for September but I am dubious that it will go ahead, I know they cancelled over 600 cataract operations at the start of lockdown so that’s quite the backlog.

I am really happy that it’s nothing worse but at the same time I am deeply upset at the ramifications for making beads. Melting glass produces a very bright light called soda flare and while I have been really careful about protecting my eyes with the right glasses, I can’t help but feel that it wasn’t enough. Even if after I have the op, even if the specialist says it’s ok, I’m really not sure I want to take the risk that melting glass is in some way damaging my eyes. Glassblowers cataracts are a thing and while I love melting glass, I love my eyes more.

So for the time being I am growing vegetables, making bread and getting my colour fix with embroidery.. George and I take a 5 minute drive up to Devils Dyke every day for our daily walk and the beauty of the countryside in Spring has been really good for me.. I am slowly edging my way towards making jewellery again and unsurprisingly I have an enormous stash of beads that I can use. Yesterday I took down my torch from the shed and have plans to move my jewellery bench out there but I’m not in any rush.


Moving Forward

