Judith Johnston Lampwork & Gemstone Bead Jewellery

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Birthday Week!

So much going on at the moment, I hardly know where to start, here are the cliff notes, basically the next three weeks will be chaos. I finally have a date for my shed rebuild on 13th September. Before then I have to completely empty it and disconnect the electricity (obvs). I'm going to try and get my oxy con serviced while it's out of commission and possibly log and label all my glass - hahaha, as if!! What I'm really worried about is that it's going to take a long time to build a new bench so I can set my torch back up, we're not known for our DIY prowess! Ah well, we'll see how it goes.

The week before the shed Robert will be moving out into his own flat in Brighton. I'm excited for him but somewhat a feared at how much work it's going to be to shift all his stuff.

It's my birthday this week and I have decided to look for a part time job! The effort vs reward of trying to get my work seen online these days is too much and I'm just so very tired of it. Every time I think I have it figured out they move the goal posts and don't even get me started on the whole Brexit/VAT fiasco. I don't want to stop my business altogether but the thought of a monthly paycheck is very alluring.

So wish me luck and send me good job vibes please.